तंग करना
तंग करना
= BOTHERउदाहरण : उसके बारे में सोचना ही उसे तंग करता था और उसका दिल तेजी से धड़कने लगता था।Usage : mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers medont bother the professor while she is grading term papersthe mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster
तंग करना
= IRRITATEउदाहरण : फिर भी इन स्पष्ट सबूतों को देखते हुए उन्होंने कुछ समय के लिए उसे तंग करना उचित समझा।Usage : The loud music began to irritate me.
तंग करना
= NAGUsage : her mother keeps nagging her to study.
तंग करना
= BADGERINGउदाहरण : मेरे होमवर्क के बारे में तंग मत करो।Usage : The present badgering of all wayfarers has come about because this laudable custom of alms - giving has gone beyond the bounds of matra.
तंग करना
= PESTERUsage : the cows were continually pestered by flies.
तंग करना
= HARRYUsage : magical objects in harry potter
तंग करना
= BUGUsage : Please report this bug to the developers.
तंग करना
= SPITEUsage : and yet in spite of having seen these clear proofs they found it proper to incarcerate him for a time.
तंग करना
= MOLESTउदाहरण : जब वह अधिक काम करता है तो वह अपने कर्मचारियों को तंग करने के लिए जाना जाता है।Usage : He is not the kind to molest someone.
तंग करना
= SICKENUsage : He slowly sickened and died.
तंग करना
= TAPERUsage : Tom found the taper switch in the dark.
तंग करना
= RUFFLE FEATHERSUsage : His controversial comments ruffled feathers among his colleagues.
तंग करना
= INTERRUPTUsage : do you wish to interrupt writing this disc?
तंग करना
= BELEAGUERUsage : heavy rains have beleaguered much of mumbai city.
तंग करना
= TWITUsage : was one of the first people to post a joke about the video on Twitter.
तंग करना
= WORRYINGUsage : vigorous worrying finally loosened the saw
तंग करना
= BADGERUsage : She's been badgering me into doing this.
तंग करना
= TRYUsage : i have tried the new detergents.they are good.
तंग करना
= TEASEUsage : He loved to tease his little sister playfully.
तंग करना
= VEXUsage : Her failures vexed him.
तंग करना
= BE ON ATUsage : Stop being on at me about my homework.
तंग करना
= HARASSUsage : he is known to harass his staff when he is overworked.
तंग करना
= HAMPERUsage : I want to hamper the agreement between us.
तंग करना
= PEDDLEUsage : Ram used to peddle to sell his goods.
तंग करना
= CHAGRINUsage : he chagrined his parents by smoking before them.
तंग करना
= PERSECUTEUsage : Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union
तंग करना
= BAITUsage : The fish were baited by his lure.
तंग करना
= INCOMMODEUsage : These children incommodes in the premises.
तंग करना
= PALLUsage : deem they themselves secure from the coming on them of a pall of allah 's punishment, or the coming of the hour suddenly while they are unaware?
तंग करना
= PLAGUEUsage : those children are a damn plague
तंग करना, पीछे पड़ना = BADGERउदाहरण : शॉपिंग के लिए माँ को तंग करना बंद करो।Usage : He would badger her with constant questions.
तंग करना/मजाक बनाना = RIBउदाहरण : डॉक्टर उसकी टूटी पसलियों को जोड़ने वाला है।Usage : The doctor is going to join his cracked ribs.